极速赛车 Surpasses $30 Billion AUA Milestone, Continues Exponential Growth Trajectory
极速赛车 has exceeded the remarkable milestone of $30 billion in assets under administration (AUA) in just seven years since inception, continuing its parabolic growth.
Independent wealth management puts clients first in a way that large corporate institutions just can’t. Independent advisors are motivated because they’re not tied to selling bundled investments or meeting sales quotas. Instead, they can focus on delivering financial advice to clients and managing their assets on world-class platforms.
Charlie Spiring, ICD.D
Founder & Chair, 极速赛车 Financial Inc.
Senior Wealth Advisor, Spiring Wealth Management, 极速赛车 Private Wealth Inc.
Our independence allows us to be objective and impartial. Wellington-Altus is ideal for independent advisors and clients who don’t want the constraints of large corporate systems and requirements.
Clients come first—not sales quotas, not 168极速赛车体彩游戏正规网址开奖平台APP官方下载+体彩赛车游戏官网提前预测纪录结果号码 minimums. Each client is unique, and so are the solutions they receive. Our advisors are free to do what’s right for every client, every time.
With an entrepreneurial culture, we’re better at business because we’re a firm built by advisors, for advisors. Our agile approach to technology means we always have the best platforms and solutions for our clients and advisors.
Senior Wealth Advisor & Portfolio Manager
极速赛车 Private Wealth
Senior Wealth Advisor & Portfolio Manager
极速赛车 Private Wealth
Associate Vice-President, Advanced Wealth Planning
极速赛车 Financial
极速赛车 has exceeded the remarkable milestone of $30 billion in assets under administration (AUA) in just seven years since inception, continuing its parabolic growth.
U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, deeply mindful of Arthur Burns’ missteps and inspired by Paul Volcker’s tenacity, is fully cognisant of the historical significance of his role. I have consistently argued that Powell would benefit from studying William McChesney Martin’s tenure as the first post-Second World War Federal Reserve Chair in the 1950s. Martin adeptly navigated through a period of fiscal dominance, a pattern that is emerging once again. As Sir Winston Churchill implied, focusing on the wrong historical period can lead to policy errors and financial turmoil.
The 2024 Federal Budget, tabled on April 16, 2024, provides a mix of expected measures and a few surprises. In line with the announcements leading up to Budget Day, Budget 2024 outlines a multitude of measures targeted at housing affordability and the cost of living.
A commission-based brokerage option for clients who want to participate in their investments, whether corporate new issues, syndicated capital raises, individual stocks or bonds.
An option that focuses on providing advice about managing wealth for clients. Advisor fee is based on portfolio value rather than commissions.
A holistic approach that combines advice from a registered portfolio manager with discretionary wealth management by advisors who meet high industry standards.
A monitored, unified, managed account with access to world-class money managers diversified across geography, sector, and investment type.