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Celebrating Five Incredible Years!

This month marks the fifth anniversary of Wellington-Altus, and we have lots to celebrate! On behalf of our Founders and Executive team, thank you all for everything that you’ve done to help us get to where we are today and fueling our unstoppable momentum!

Celebratory video: See what our team members across the country have to say about our first five years and bright future ahead.

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May Market Insights: Out Of Options

U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, deeply mindful of Arthur Burns’ missteps and inspired by Paul Volcker’s tenacity, is fully cognisant of the historical significance of his role. I have consistently argued that Powell would benefit from studying William McChesney Martin’s tenure as the first post-Second World War Federal Reserve Chair in the 1950s. Martin adeptly navigated through a period of fiscal dominance, a pattern that is emerging once again. As Sir Winston Churchill implied, focusing on the wrong historical period can lead to policy errors and financial turmoil.

2024 Federal Budget

Highlights from the 2024 Federal Budget

The 2024 Federal Budget, tabled on April 16, 2024, provides a mix of expected measures and a few surprises. In line with the announcements leading up to Budget Day, Budget 2024 outlines a multitude of measures targeted at housing affordability and the cost of living.


April Market Insights: Greenspan’s Game Of Thrones

We are at a pivotal moment in history, one that former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan might liken to a historical juncture, where the intertwined narratives obscure the uniqueness of our era. As we contend with a world that echoes the tumult of epics like War and Peace or Game of Thrones, we are in the midst of a “Fourth Turning”—a period of intense demographic, technological, and structural change that recurs approximately every 80 years.


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